Cane mills
mean a simpler time to me. They bring forth images of
friends and families working cooperatively in community-oriented,
low-impact subsistence farming. Many mills, like many
plants, remind me of particular people who have gone on.
Some of the descriptions on these pages will reveal
these nostalgic connections to the past. As a general
rule, however, I will do my very best to stick with
cane, but I am given to digression, so keep your mouse
pointed to the scroll button.
As this
is an admittedly personal experience, let me start by
sharing a letter written to my father, W.H. (1912-1986),
from his mother, Della (née Sutton, 1891-1932; see young Della). In a
1908 photograph, Granny Della is shown with 11-year-old
Lena Belle Outlaw. In the following
year, 1909, Della married my grandfather Lucious and
became Lena's stepmother. Aunt Lena is wearing a dress
made of material purchased by her deceased mother,
Ardelia. The second photograph is of my father made
during his Berry College years. Unfortunately, neither
of these photographs is from the exact time of the
letter, but they are the closest available
sharing the letter with you, I ask your forbearance
while I place the letter in context. Now, there are no
first-person memories of my father's father, Lucious (or Lucius?),
and few stories survive, but those are beginning to add up. My paternal grandfather, L.G. Outlaw--unlike
his father, W. H. H., who was a tall Primitive Baptist
preacher--was of only medium stature, but blocky, and
for reasons that need not be revealed in their entirety
here, he decidedly was not fit for the ministry. He lived on the L.G. Outlaw Homeplace, which he and his first wife bought from her father, Stephen M. Lewis. This house still survives and is owned by his descendents. Later, he bought an adjacent farm from his second wife's father (my grandmother and greatgrandfather Sutton, repectively). This farm has passed to me and is now part of the W.H. Outlaw Farm, a Centennial Family Farm and Stewardship Forest that I named after my father. Both
of L.G.'s farms joined the home place of his brother Joe,
and they did not speak. He also carried a pistol against
the potential mischief leveled toward him by a man whose
injury could not be made whole by any means. My
grandfather, though 45, went to sign up for the Great
War, got drunk as he was wont to do, and died on the way
home, which is the take-home message of this paragraph.
(He was, I have learned since the first draft of this was posted in 2002, much more substantial than I had thought at the time.) Note that Della's farm joined that of my maternal
grandfather, Mark Watson, and they got along
sufficiently well that my paternal grandfather, on the
birth of his son Buren (1917-1976), took the first step
toward the betrothal of this son to my mother, who was
born within three weeks, in 1918. The families were
joined, but through marriage to the elder son, my
father. Anyhow, the relevance of the harmony is that
these families had had a bit of a tiff during the
previous generation when Daddy's grandfather W.H. Outlaw
formed a committee that waited on Mama's grandfather Sam
Watson because of his drinking, all of which is duly
recorded in the 1906/07 minutes of New Hope Baptist
I heard
my maternal grandmother Addie Watson (née Fountain)
assert many times that "a piece of a husband is
better than no husband at all." (This opinion had
an origin, but none of us would be improved by
disturbing that abscess.) It appears that Granny Della
must have held this belief, too, because she married
poorly after my grandfather died. This man was alleged
to be so loathsome that a disinterested indigent
Canadian, displaced by the Depression, offered to kill
him as a general favor to the community. (It was not
uncommon in that time and place for unattached men to
drift through the country seeking food and shelter.
However, my father never subscribed to the sanitized
version of this Canadian's origin. Daddy thought he was
a fugitive on the basis of his dress, ready cash and
several phone calls made from town.) Unfortunately, the
Canadian did not follow through. Predictably, Daddy and
his stepfather did not find nirvana in the newly formed
family. This situation reached a climax one night when
the step-father, with murder on his mind and hatchet in
hand, entered the bedroom of my then 12-year-old father,
who was presumed asleep. My father escaped with his life
through an open shutter-style window, but whatever
remnants remained of his childhood were gone. After
that, he lived with relatives, in the back room of a
store, . . . in short, from pillar to post. In the end,
Daddy wound up as a tobacco sharecropper and when the
chance came, he sold his half of the crop for ten
dollars, the better part of which went for a train
ticket out. When this letter was written, he was
struggling to work his way through Martha Berry's little
college in the Appalachian foothills. At the same time,
his mother had her own struggles, but took the time to
go to a cane grinding, an oasis of plenty and pleasure
in the Depression, though not a cure for pellagra, which
hit many rural folks, including Della's sister Belle,
then. Granny Della was but a wisp of a woman, but Sutton
blood fed her soul and she was therefore willful and
resilient. Before Daddy finished college, weeks of
argument between Granny Della and her husband ensued,
and he must have concluded she would never sign over her
property to him while she had breath in her body. After
he took that, he sounded a general alarm, ringing the
dinner bell. When neighbors responded, he was circling a
tree in a new roadster paid for by his VA check. He was
generally held in contempt; he was an unrehearsed actor.
Bereft of the courage to admit to femicide, he did so
only indirectly by unsuccessfully floating one after
another shallow and incongruous concocted tales, one of
which included, of course, a mysterious intruder. He met
his maker four months later, convicted of murder, sick,
and chained to a prison bed without relief.
. . .
and, now the letter:
Lenox Ga
Dear W H hope you
are getting long fine I am bout sick this am. have got to
where I cant sleep at night My heart bothers me so bad I
cant sleep. recon just need some rest. WH I dont no where
I can get all the money by Christmas or not but think I
can before long Elma has been here 3 weeks will be one
more week before she pays. dont know where she will draw
her pay then or not.
I sure would hate
for you to quit school before its out. just part of term
wouldnt be much good for you. Buren [Della's younger son]
has been to school ever day this week. We have been with
Elma over to her house 3 nights this week to the cane
grinding sure was large crowd their. some of them danced.
all the rest are getting a long very well. Your grandma
has done gone back she couldnt leave George [Della's
brother]. he said she wouldnt have no body to quarrel with
if she left him. Have you eat all your pecans will send
you some more pop corn candy if you like it. Havent heard
from Lena [née Outlaw, Della's adult step-daughter] since
I wrote you last will try to send you some more money
before long is it dry up their it sure is here. Son wont
to see you but still I wont you to go to school. ans soon.
your Mamma [Della]
a continuation of discussions on cane grinding in the
1930s, visit my grandfathers' page.
I assure you that there would be no dancing around my
Granny Watson. (Dancing, card playing or any other kind of
jollification was against her religion and nature. Being
blessed with an excess of advice that was unrestrained by
self-doubt, she provided guidance to all around her, even
when they did not have the good sense to want it.)
come and go, prosperity waxes and wanes; traditions,
customs, and technologies shift with the time. So it was
with cane-syrup production. By 1975 (8 years after Daddy's
debilitating stroke that left him physically handicapped
and sometimes confused), no one in my family made syrup
and my parents were purchasing it from Luther Roland (the
father of Raymond Roland), as indicated in this
letter from my father to my sister:
Dear Carolyn and Tar Baby [Carolyn's Lab],
Temper [Daddy's
miniature pinscher] and I have dressed and shaved. Yes, he
helps me, too. Your mama is cleaning the carpet in the
living room, now she is working with her African Violets
before the traffic rush. She had real good luck making
some kumquat jelly and preserves. Sam [Mama's brother]
shares in this because he furnished the kumquats.
Wednesday your mama spent most of the day traveling around
with Granny W. [Mama's mother] to tend to her business at
Harvey's [supermarket], Elbert's [Granny's grandson-in-law],
bank, Moore's [department store] and Bill's Dollar Store.
That P. M. they, all three (?), went to Luther R. [the
father of Raymond Roland] after syrup. Then, she
carried Granny W. home. Wednesday P. M. Stevie [ Granny's
sister's grandson] shook the two seedling trees and he,
Aunt Eula [Granny's sister], we, and the Shirleys
[neighbor] picked up the seedlings, around 34 #. Had 11 #
of Stewarts. She had a sale of $16.30 for that lot. There
still remain a few in the trees but selling is now over.
[Remainder of letter
at the end comes the fine print. I have had some exposure
to plants and their workings, but don't know nearly
enough. But, about all the other things I write on this
site, I know next to nothing, or maybe exactly nothing. I
do not have significant experience, training, attitude, or
aptitude in cane culture, mechanics or food. I only hope
that I have copied reasonably well what others have told
me. I hope you will still enjoy the pages despite the
truth of this disclaimer. William H. Outlaw Jr.
