Barbeque Kettle (Virginia Weeks); Valdosta Foundry and Machinery
Company 2-roller Mill (Jackson Moore); Quitman Manufacturing
Company 2-roller Mill (Travis Bennett); Goldens' No. 2 (New Model)
(Exit 109 Antiques); Goldens' No. 2 (New Model) (Mr. Hurst);
Cooking Syrup ( The Parramores); Goldens' No. 2 (New Model)
(Andersonville Park); Chattanooga No. 22 (Callaway Plantation);
Cooking Syrup (The Freemans); Quitman Foundry and Manufacturing
Company No. 14 (Tommy Fletcher); Columbus No. 14 (Virgil Herndon);
Un-named Frameless Mill (J.L. McMillan); Southern Machinery Company
No. 14 (Quitman Cultural Center); Salt and New-York Pattern Kettles
(Andy Palmer); Chattanooga No. 12 (Improved) (E. Green).

Columbus No. 18 (Mr. Hurst); Cooking Syrup (Don & Carol Dean);
Goldens' No. 14 (New Model) (Ruby Dorminey); Portrait (Ken &
Connie Christison); Victor No. 2 (Cash Kaschai); Goldens' No. 2
(New Model) (Ronald Pascal); Earlier model of Chattanooga No. 12
(Improved) (Pioneer Museum of Alabama); Kentucky No. 0 (Cash
Kashchai); Kehoe Iron Works Frameless 2-roller mill (Terry Jarvis);
Southern Plow Vertical Mill (John Evers); Syrup Dipper (Paul
Smith); Factory Photograph (Kehoe Iron Works); Thomasville Iron
Works "No. 27" (Wesley Pope); High-school Sign (Cairo Syrupmakers);
Thompson Foundry and Machine Company "No. 36" (J. Jones)
Columbus Iron Works 2-roller Mill (John Lewis); Unidentified
Vertical Mill (near Metcalfe, Georgia); Goldens' No. 27 (New Model)
(Thomas Duggar); Home Green (Melvin Blount & Elmer Keefee);
Syrup Shed (Harvey Bledsoe & Raleigh Player); Kettle Furnace
(Parks Gray); Syrup-making Tools (Eston Rowe); Goldens' No. 14 (New
Model) (Williams Station); Frameless Mill (Jettie Powell); Dumping
Juice (George Connell); Waterford Foundry Kettle (Tallahassee
Museum of Science and Natural History); Sugar Nippers (Acadian
Village); Cane Stripper (Brinley-Hardy Company); Various Kettles
(Washington Old School House Antique Mall); South Georgia Homestead
(Snyder Robinson)

Findlay Kettle (Kyle Fuller); Syrup Shed
(Tallahassee/Blountsville); Goldens' No. 2 (New Model post 1924)
(James Robinson); Letterheads (Goldens' Foundry and Machine Company
+ W. B. Roddenbery Company); Goldens' No. 44x (New Model) (Oliver
Bloom); Cane Hoe (Wayne Davis); Syrup Labels (Montage); IH Engines
(Jerry & Anthony Brinson); Chattanooga No. 14 (Improved) (Mark
& Phyliss Webb); Briggs Hwde (Valdosta, Georgia); Green Lever
Cap (Bill Outlaw); Chattanooga No. 92 (Jerry & Anthony
Brinson); Goldens' No. 36 (New Model) (Carroll Abernethy); Post
Card Advertisement for Cane Stripper (Anthony Brinson); Murphy
Southern Mill No. 2 (Al Fuqua).

Goldens' No. 3 (New Model) mechanized (John Davis); Unidentified
Power Mill (Morris Bitzer); Myer Perfection No. 1 (Al Fuqua);
Minor-Horton 30-gallon Kettle (Nelle Dorminey); Goldens' No. 27
(New Model) (Debbie & Craig Hardin); Cane Stripper (Gene Luke);
Goldens' No. 45 (New Model) (anonymous); Goldens' No. 2 (New Model)
(Rambling Rose); 300-gallon Kettle (Beth & Tommy Clayton);
Puerto Rican Sugar-Cane Field (anonymous); Kettle Skimmer (Pete
Smothers et al.); Chattanooga No. 70 (Leon Robinson & Zack
Hicks); Chattanooga No. 45 (Marcus Walker); Goldens' 20-gallon
Kettle (Andy Palmer); Chattanooga No. 44 (Jerome

Kettle Cooking (Bill Boykin); Frameless Mill (New Lois);
Syrupmaking Model (General Coffee Park); Goldens' No. 4 (Old Style)
(Bobby McDaniel); Portable Cooker (David White); J.A. Fields Star
Cane Mill (Wayne Coulter); Olde Town (Pat and Roy Collins);
Tuskegee's Marshall Farm (taken from World's Work);
unidentified mill (Jack Lombard); Historical Syrup "Factory"
(unknown, Statenville, GA); G.W. Gleason man-hole cover (City of
Savannah, GA); Rourke water-meter cover (City of Savannah, GA);
Chattanooga Vertical Mill (The Brinkleys); Goldens No. 16x Mill
(Ronnie Gaskins); Sugar-cane Maze (Hansel and Marge

Excelsior Wonderful Pony Mill (Richard Harrison);
Updated Nov, 2010
Operations 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40

Mark Watson (Nashville, Georgia)
Type: Historical. A sugar cane operation on a self
sufficient farm in rural south Georgia in the early 1900s is
Equipment: Goldens' No. 2 (New Model/transition ) mill. Among the
first of this model to be manufactured. Wood furnace with kettle.
Updated January,
2005 |

Institute of Food and Agricultural Science (Quincy,
Type: Extension. Observe the distribution
of "seed" cane of recommended cultivars.
Equipment: None
Updated February, 2002

Agrirama (Tifton,
Type: Demonstration. An excellent
demonstration village from yesteryear. Extracts from extension
bulletins about optimum extraction of juice for syrup. Comments on
the history of syrup production in the South.
Equipment: Chattanooga No. 13 (Improved)
mill, Quitman Manufacturing Co. 2-roller mill, unknown 2-roller
frameless mill. Chattanooga and Rourke kettles mounted in wood
Updated March, 2003

Puddin Creek (Willacoochee,
Type: Commercial. One of the largest syrup
operations in South Georgia. A modern factory based on antique
equipment and traditional methods.
Equipment: Goldens' No. 27 (New Model)
(motorized) and 3 kettles in gas furnaces.
Updated March, 2002
Operations 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 Top

Chattahoochee Vignettes (Chattahoochee,
Type: Hobbyists. Two old friends share an
interest in sugar cane.
Equipment: Two vertical horse-powered
Updated July, 2002

Aubrey Sutton (Nashville,
Type: Historical. Notes on the
“x” and “xx” series of Goldens' vertical
animal-powered mills.
Equipment: Goldens' No. 2x (New
Updated December, 2000

Cornelius Rowan (Nashville,
Type: Historical.
Equipment: Columbus No. 12
Updated December, 2000

Gerald Griffin (Alapaha,
Type: Hobby. Jerry and his family and
friends share a southern tradition.
Equipment: Goldens' No. 3 (New Model),
Chattanooga No. 44, 50-gallon kettle
Updated January, 2007
Operations 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 Top

Mule Day (Calvary, Georgia)
Type: Demonstration. Thousands of people
converge on this small village for a tradition
Equipment: Goldens' No. 4x (New Model),
No. 36 (New Model), Chattanooga No. 72, Columbus No. 18, copper
Updated December, 2000

Charles Baldree (Omega,
Type: Commercial. One of the largest syrup
operations in southern Georgia is operated by a cane-mill
aficionado. Holds an open house with breakfast.
Equipment: Mobile Pulley and Machine Works
No. D74, McKinnon mill, Goldens' No. 54 (New Model), two
unidentified mills, evaporators and kettles.
Updated Nov 2010

Raymond Roland (Nashville,
Type: Commercial. Raymond continues the
syrup-making factory of his father.
Equipment: Goldens' No. 36 (New Model),
several kettles
Updated December, 2000
Operations 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 Top

Fred Lackey (Tallahassee,
Type: Sideline. Mr. and Mrs. Lackey make
excellent syrup and provide excellent company. By-invitation-only
Fun Day, when they share their interest in traditional farm
Equipment: Goldens' No. 27 (New Model),
Belknap New Blue Grass 1896 No. 1 mill, kettle.
Updated July, 2002

Alton Rowan (Alapaha, Georgia)
Type: Hobby. Alton enjoys old farm items,
making syrup, and talking about both.
Equipment:Columbus No. 18, Chattanooga No.
12, Goldens' No. 1, 2 (New Model) (motorized), kettle
Updated July, 2002

James King (Nashville, Georgia)
Type: Sideline. Mr. King’s family
produces syrup on a small commercial scale. They also have an
honor-system juice stand. See the construction of a
Equipment: Quitman Foundry and Machine No.
14 (mechanized), Goldens' animal-powered vertical mill
Updated January, 2002

James Williams (Nashville,
Type: Hobby. Brother Williams leads his
congregation in syrup making as well as in prayer.
Equipment: Quitman Foundry and Machine No.
14, kettle
Updated December, 2000
Operations 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 Top

Bradley Store (Moccasin Gap,
Type: Demonstration. Holds an enormously
popular fall Fun Day, and sells syrup, grits, corn meal, and
sausage year-round.
Equipment: Columbus No. 13, Goldens' No. 3
(New Model)(mechanized), kettle with unusual rim system.
Updated December, 2000

Nicholson Farmhouse (Havana, Florida)
Type: Demonstration. Syrup was made on the
grounds of one of Florida's most famous restaurants.
Equipment: Goldens' No. 4x (New Model),
evaporator, many kettles.
updated January, 2002

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feaster (Micanopy,
Type: Commercial. Heirloom varieties of
cane are grown on a family farm in north Florida.
Equipment: Chattanooga No. 72 (motorized),
gas-fired evaporator, kettle.
updated July, 2002

Felix Horne (Metcalfe, Georgia)
Type: Commercial. A large commercial
producer sells under his own label and bottles for
Equipment. Goldens' No. 36 (New Model),
diesel-fired evaporator.
updated August 2001
Operations 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 Top

Bill and Mary Prescott (Lakeland,
Type: Sideline. A retired couple has a
pick-your-own citrus and syrup operation in central
Equipment: Goldens' No. 2 (New Model),
kettle mounted on a wood-fired furnace
updated February, 2002

Leslie Herold (Tallahassee,
Type: Hobby. Mr. Herold has established an
equilibrium between syrupmaking, beekeeping, and a grist
Equipment: DT Sutherland machine Works
10x14 mill, 100-gallon wood-fired Chattanooga kettle.
updated November, 2001

Bo Swindle (Perry,
Type: Sideline. Mr. Swindle combines a
syrup operation with his activity, sawmilling and
Equipment: Goldens' No. 2 (New Model)
(mechanized), kettle mounted in a wood-fired furnace.
updated August,

Mr. S (North Florida)
Type: Hobby. A fine hobby operation
designed, in part, for community enjoyment.
Equipment: Blymyer No. 4, Chattanooga No.
11 (Improved) and 12, kettle in wood-fired furnace.
updated May, 2001
Operations 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 Top

Arnold Brogdon (Nashville,
Type: Hobby. A former commercial operation
is used just for fun now.
Equipment: Chattanooga No. 92, Chattanooga
No. 44 (motorized), Squire (model unknown), VMC No. 0, kettles and
updated February, 2001

Ronny Herring (Ochlocknee,
Type: Commercial. Step back in time and
see a 1916 engine drive a cane mill. Notes on the construction of
gas burners.
Equipment: Goldens' No. 2x (New Model),
Goldens' No. 27 (New Model), kettles in gas-fired
updated February, 2002

Sandy's Syrup (Tifton, Georgia)
Type: Sideline. Hilling, stripping, and
harvesting equipment is shown. Stages in syrup cooking, mechanizing
a mill, and building a burner are discussed.
Equipment: Goldens' No. 2 (New Model)
(mechanized), Goldens' No. 4x (New Model) (mechanized), kettles
mounted in gas-fired furnaces.
updated April,

Quitman Vignettes (Quitman,
Type: Historical. Snapshots of days gone.
Visit a man with a plan for syrup making; then, see an old
plantation with a sugar mill; and, lastly, see a very large mill in
storage with much other vintage equipment.
Equipment: Morven Foundry & Machine
Co., Unknown mill, Blymyer Eureka # 4
updated February, 2002
Operations 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 Top

Junior Cashwell (Quitman,
Type: Sideline. Tour the syrup operation
of a man with many talents and interests.
Equipment: Chattanooga No. 44
(disassembled), Chattanooga No. 72, 60-gallon Columbus kettle (for
scalding hogs), 100-gallon Goldens' kettle in an elaborate
wood-fired furnace.
updated February, 2002

William Dukes (Quitman, Georgia)
Type: Hobby. A family maintains the
syrup-making traditions of forbearers.
Equipment: Goldens' power mill and
wood-fired furnace with kettle.
updated April, 2002

Keefee and Friends (Nashville,
Type: Hobby. Elmer Keefee, my
first-cousin-once-removed, and his friends are among the most
serious hobbyists one can find.
Equipment: QFM No. 14, 60-gallon Goldens'
kettle in wood-fired furnace.
updated October, 2004
Under Construction
Under Construction
Operations 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 Top
Jarrell Plantation (Juliette, Georgia)
Type: Historical. A state-operated site
based on a middle-Georgia plantation in the 19th and 20th
Equipment: Very old frameless two-roller
mill and kettles, Columbus No. 20, evaporator mounted in a
wood-fired furnance.
Updated November, 2002
Deese (Wellborn, Florida)
Type: Hobby. A retired engineer has
returned to his family farm.
Equipment: Goldens' No. 2 (New Model)
(motorized), Morven Machine and Foundry, Goldens' No. 2 (Old
Style), Columbus No. 12 (mechanized)
Updated July, 2004
Abe Swan
(Monticello, Florida)
Type: Hobby. Syrup making is the
center of a three-day fall celebration
Equipment: Chattanooga No. 13 (Improved),
Rourke 80-gallon kettle in a wood-fired furnace.
Updated January, 2003
Dewey Hall
(Clarksville, Florida)
Type: Hobby/Sustenance.An authentic
man- and mule-powered operation that attracts a close-knit
Equipment: Chattanooga No. 12 (Old
Style), Goldens' No. 2 (New Model), Columbus 100-gallon kettle
mounted in a wood-fired furnace.
Updated January, 2003
Operations 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40 Top
Brinson-Harrison Operation
(Whigham, Georgia)
Type: Sideline/Hobby. A
high-precision operation in its historical setting is operated by
three generations of syrup makers.
Equipment: Goldens' No. 27 (New
Model), Chattanooga No. 92, gas-fired furnace with
Updated March, 2003
Morris (Clarksville, Florida)
Type: Hobby/Sideline. A
family-operated, efficient syrup factory with many
Equipment: Goldens' No. 2 (New
Model) (mechanized), 100-gallon Columbus kettle mounted in a
gas-fired furnace.
Updated March, 2003
Elison Hendley and family (Nashville, Georgia)
Type: Historical. Reference to making
sugar cane syrup provides the backdrop for a long-winded personal
narrative about the times and neighbors who made syrup near my
growing-up place.
Equipment: Two-roller frameless mill,
kettles from two generations.
Updated October, 2004
Doug Croley (Havana, Florida)
Type: A community of family and friends.
The narrative includes a commentary on early agriculture in Gadsden
County (Florida) and Berrien County (Georgia).
Equipment: Chattanooga No. 14 (Improved),
60-gallon Crockett kettle mounted in a gas-fired
Updated October, 2003
Operations 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36 37-40