Notices Old catalogs and extension bulletins are often difficult or impossible to obtain through normal library and commercial sources. These ephemera, however, are highly valued by Southern Matters readers. If you have an old publication and are willing to share it on a bulletins page, please contact us. We are often contacted by persons who wish to purchase a cane mill or similar equipment. If you have such an item for sale, please let us know and we'll pass your name and email address along to interested persons. Of course, we accept no responsibility. We are also contacted from time-to-time by persons who wish to obtain heirloom varieties. If you can legally supply varieties, we'd be happy to put you on our list. Sometimes, the essence of solving a problem is finding the right resource. If you have located an obscure resource relevant to the interest of this site, we would like to put it on a links page. Finally, and on a personal note, we are looking for a journal lid and lever cap for a Golden No. 2 (NOT New Model). We would like to use these as a pattern to have replacements cast for our mills. If you can help us, we would appreciate it. Contact Bill. Thanks so much. |