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Outlaw, William Henry Harrison (1840-1910)1

Military Records

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Last edit: 2018-01-31
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Brief biography: W.H.H. Outlaw was born in 1840 in Dale County, Alabama. His mother, Pillie nee Webb, died when he was young, and he was given to the Dawson Webb family (New Lois, Berrien County, Georgia) to raise in 1846. Dawson is likely to have been Pillie's father (making him my 3d greatgrandfather; elsewhere, I have charted (long download) that he is my 4th greatgrandfather on my Sutton line). After the war, documented here, he settled in Lowndes county, then established a successful farming operation on/near Possum Creek Road, Ray City (Berrien County, Georgia). In December, 1896 (more here), he sold his farm to his two younger sons, with the priviso that he could live on it as long as he wished. This sale might have been a mechanism of providing means to their father, or it might have been to set him up to apply for the pension. At the time of his death, he was living with my grandfather, L.G. Outlaw, 3 miles east of Nashville (Berrien County, Georgia).


Service record------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary

Initial pension application (not available) declined (Jan 1, 1903)---------Original

Second and successful application (Sep 23, 1903)----------------------------Original-------------------------Excerpts

Physicians' affidavit for pension application(Sep 23, 1903)---------------- Original ----------------------- Annotated Excerpt

Questions for witness (Benjamin Sirmans) (Sep 23, 1903) ------------------Original ----------------------- Annotated Excerpt

Ordinary certificate for Sirmans' affidavit (Sep 23, 1903)------------------- Original

Deposition by Solomon Griffin for pension application (Feb 1, 1904)--- Original------------------------ Annotated Transcript

Support/cover letter by Representative J.P. Knight for pension application (Feb 2, 1904)----------------Original

Pension renewal application (Jan 9, 1905)--------------------------------------- Original

Pension renewal application (Jan 15, 1906)-------------------------------------- Original

Pension renewal application (Jan 11, 1907)-------------------------------------- Original

State of Georgia Pension roll (after Apr 1908: death date of another pensioner found on document)- Original

State of Georgia Pension roll (after Jul 1910: death status on document)--Original



Footnote 1. I obtained the pension records from the Georgia State Archives in 1980. Now, Ancestry has this collection--and some superflous ones (power of Attorney to collect pension, cover pages) that I have omitted. Likewise, the pension records have been available to the public online since 2009 from the Georgia Archives. Thus, my added value is organization, transcription, and interpretation. I obtained the handwritten rosters from the Ordinary's Office, Berrien County, GA, decades ago. Fold3 has additional military records, but they are scant and give few details (e.g., the bounty payment) beyond those in the pension records. For Ancestry subscribers, I have appended the military records to this page.

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