Post Cards Please note that footnote references (superscript Arabic) are hyperlinked to the respective footnotes in this document. Footnotes terminate in links that direct back to the respective locations in the table. Other links, including those within Southern Matters, will open a new tab. To return from those, simply close the tab, e.g. ctrl W. Optimized for Firefox & Chrome, screen 1366 x 768. This is a working archive and will always be messy. Use this link to report errors or additions. Last edit 2016-12-22.
Footnote 1. Rhea Hall was a dormitory named after Martha Berry's mother's family. The structure burned in 1941 and was located near the current Blackstone Hall Parking lot. [Many thanks to Tim Brown (Director, Oak Hill and the Martha Berry Museum), who supplied this information.] This card was from the estate of Lena Belle née Outlaw Rowan (1897-1986), Daddy's half-sister. Likely, Daddy gave it to her, suggesting that Rhea Hall might have been his dormitory. I do not recognize the handwriting. (Many thanks to heirs Sharon and Bennie Dodds for the gift of the card.) Blackstone Hall, mentioned above, was the first brick building on the campus and served as the men's dining hall (1915-1978), along with other purposes. (M.E. Pethel. 2010. Berry College, a Century of Making Music. Arcadia Publishing). Blackstone Hall would thus have been where Daddy ate during his Berry days. For more on the relationship between Berry College and our family, go to this link. |
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