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Snapshots of Two Family Gatherings (1992 & 1993)


Last edit 2016-03-28.
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Mama always thought of Daddy's family just like it was hers; that was the general way--marrying a family as well as a person. She was the prime mover for several get-togethers in the early 90s. She planned the last one (1996) also, but had a stroke the night before and was unable to attend. Snapshots appear here.

Third-generation snapshots: scans of prints my mother made from my slides, which were taken under various indoor conditions without supplemental lighting. I regret that presently I lack the time to bring out the best in them, or--better yet--go back to the original slides (whereever they may be).


July 5,1992

Back row: David Outlaw (s/o Fayne & Jean née Matthews Outlaw), Fayne Outlaw (s/o Buren & Bessie née Robinson Outlaw; Buren=Daddy's brother), Bill Outlaw.

Front row: Grant Outlaw (s/o David & Cathy née Grant Outlaw), Will Outlaw (s/o Bill & Nedra née Norton Outlaw).
Aubrey Sutton, Talmadge Sutton (both sons of Jerry M. & Elsie née Baldree Sutton; Jerry=Daddy's maternal uncle), George Griffin (h/o Frances née Rowan Griffin=d/o Cornelius & Lena Belle née Outlaw Rowan).

George Griffin, Fayne Outlaw, Talmadge Sutton. Bessie Outlaw (w/o Buren Outlaw; also a descendant of Nancy Carolina née Fountain Robinson=sis/o James I. Fountain=Bill's 2d greatgrandfather, maternal line).
. . .
Mildred née Sutton Nobles (d/o Mark & Lizzie née McKinnon Sutton; Mark=s/o Charlie & Eliza née Outlaw Sutton=Daddy's paternal aunt & w/ Charlie more distantly related on Daddy's maternal line), Tommy Mann (h/o Joan née Outlaw Mann=sis/o Fayne Outlaw), Mattie née Etheridge Luke (w/o Mack=s/o Willie & Maggie née Outlaw Luke=Daddy's paternal aunt). Grant Outlaw, Jean Outlaw.
Joan Mann. Katie Mae née Luke Griffin (d/o Mack & Mattie Luke), Alisha née Outlaw Smart (sis/o Fayne Outlaw)
Elizabeth Christine née Outlaw later Crawford (d/o Bill & Nedra Outlaw). Willard Sutton (sis/o Mildred Nobles), Robert Earl Griffin (h/o Katie Mae Griffin).

Christine née Watson Outlaw, Dorothy née Rowan Drake (sis/o Frances Rowan). Katie Mae Griffin, Mattie Luke, Jean Outlaw.
Nedra Outlaw, Will Outlaw, Elizabeth Crawford, Louise Morgan (friend of Donald Rowan=bro/o Frances Griffin). Talmadge Sutton, George Griffin.
Donald Rowan.

Back Row: Jordan née Griffin later Whitley (d/o Diana née Drake Moore=d/o Dorothy Drake), Dorothy Drake, Gail née Drake Dismuke (sis/o Diana Moore), Robbie Dismuke (s/o Johnny & Gail Dismuke).

Front row: Rita Drake (d/o John Drake=bro/o Diana Moore), unknown.

Alisha Smart, Bessie Outlaw, Fayne Outlaw, Joan Mann.

June 19, 1993

Group shot. Nellie Bell, Carolyn Outlaw (sis/o Bill Outlaw)
Louise Morgan, Donald Rowan, along with Donald's dogs. Willard Sutton, Pat née xxx Sutton, (w/o Willard Sutton), Roy Nobles (h/o Mildred Nobles), Mildred Nobles, Norma née Tyson Sutton (w/o Edmon Sutton=bro/o Willard Sutton).
George Griffin, Jessica née Dodds later Crance (d/o Bennie & Sharon née Griffin Dodds=d/o George & Frances Griffin), Sharon Dodds, Frances Griffin, Lisa née Dodds later Noyes-Herrera (sis/o Jessica Crance), Matthew Dodds (bro/o Jessica Crance), Benny Dodds (h/o Sharon Dodds). Carole née Rhodes Strickland (d/o Edward & Helen née Rowan Rhodes=sis/o Frances Rowan), Amy née Strickland later Baggett (d/o John & Carole Strickland), John Strickland (h/o Carole Strickland), Helen Rhodes, Michelle née Strickland later James (sis/o Amy Baggett).
Gail Dismuke, Dorothy Drake, Jordan Whitley, Rita Drake, Diana née Drake Moore (sis/o Gail Dismuke), Chuck Moore (h/o Diana Moore) holding Grayson Moore (s/o Chuck & Diana Moore), Franklin Dismuke (bro/o Robbie Dismuke). Tommy Mann, Steve (friend of family), Joan Mann, Bessie Outlaw, Fayne Outlaw, Jean Outlaw.

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