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Bald Head Island Family Vaction (August 3-6, 2015)

Our son, William M. Outlaw, suggested Bald Head Island as a destination for a family vacation. Both Will and our daughter, Elizabeth Outlaw Crawford, and her family have vacationed there previously and gave it a high rating. It would be the first trip to BHI for us, although we have visited nearby Southport, NC. Bill and I drove, but broke up the trip by enjoying a night at the farm, both going and coming.


Last edit 2015-08-23.
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Bald Head Island is only accessible by a 20-min ferry ride; we left our car at Southport.


"Our" house had an upper deck that provided an enchanting view, upper left, and a good place to relax and enjoy each other.

Our three grandchildren, upper right: Kate Crawford (left, Elizabeth's daughter) and Christine and Harrison Outlaw (Will's children). Kate doesn't separate easily from her pink hat. What fun to see them enjoy each other so much. Christine, the birthday girl--see later--looks intently into the lens of her granddad's camera (above, left). Bill thinks she has my eyes and skin tone.

It was good to see Will wind down from his stressful job, lower right.

In the early-mid 1980s, Stephan Springer (Bill's associate) selected and arranged for Bill to buy some surf-fishing rods and reels. Ensued then for a few years a period in which Bill took our children to the coast. Will even caught a redfish once, but whiting (and sail cats) were the usual fare. We wanted to pass this experience along to Will, so we respooled two reels, replenished the tackle, and passed the equipment along. We were pretty sure that fishing would be a hit, as we introduced the sport to them earlier. It is a testament to Steve's expertise that the reels are still good and that same model (Mitchell 300) continues to be sold. (Bill set aside one for himself, who knows?)

Will and his children, upper left. Harrison, Regan Hill (Christy Hill's niece) and Christine display a catch after we left, upper right. As before, Harrison caught the largest fish, this time a small shark, but we missed that, too, right. Thanks to Will for these last two images.

On another day, Harrison and Christine collected shells with Bill. It really doesn't take much but imagination for a child.

A highlight of the trip for us was a late celebration of Christine's birthday. The pink-lemonade cake, top right, was mermaid themed. We gathered around as she opened gifts. Top left, she opens a craft kit and some writing materials from us. Below, left, she opens a gift from Diane, Christy's mom.
Bill took a wide selection of our homemade wines. The range extended from dry Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz (both kits) to Riesling and Gewurtztraminer (again, both kits, made for the occasion) to sweet Raspberry. Of course, our estate wines (pyment, muscadine, blueberry) are the most special to us, but we aimed to please different palates.

Nightly, the children enjoyed dancing and entertaining the adults. We were introduced to Christy Hill, top left, on this vacation. She is a zumba instructor (but, earns her living with a different "day job"). As shown, Kate was at first bashful and spent an obervation period before diving in. John Crawford, our son-in-law, is a very attentive and supportive father and gives her a hand, top right. Harrison and Christine continued with their energetic encouragement (above left) and before long, Kate--to everyone's delight--jumped in, and dance, she did, even break dancing, mimicking Harrison (not shown).

Compared with dancing, other inside activities were more restrained.

Harrison LOVES Legos (top left)! Actually, he is as obsessed with Legos as Will was with puzzles. This obsession didn't work so well on the floor with inquisitive Kate, so he had to adjust his work space and move it to the counter.

This vacation permitted the Crawfords and us to become acquainted with Christy Hill (above center). Harrison and Christine have become accustomed to her hugs, and it appears that Kate is adapting well, too.

Kate also became acquainted with the newest Outlaw, Lucy (left). The affection a toddler and a puppy show each other warms the heart. Elizabeth holds Kate and Harrison looks on.

The Crawfords left before our last meal together to get their dogs and put Kate in her own bed. (Like her granddad, sleep is neither even nor regular for Kate.) Christy's mother, Diane Hill, right, took the family portrait, left. Note that Old Baldy, the lighthouse, seems to emerge from Christine's head.

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Last edit: Aug 23, 2015.