Visit with Karthik Aghoram and Family Karthik Aghoram was a doctoral student in Bill's lab until his graduation in August, 2000. Then, he moved to North Carolina for a post-doctoral position and stayed in the area upon finding a permanent postion at Meredith College. Shweta's cousin's graduation from FSU brought the Aghoram family to Tallahassee for a visit in April, 2011. Karthik asked us to join his family for lunch and Wakulla Springs Lodge was decided upon. Karthik had fond memories of the lodge and boat ride and wanted to show them to his two daughters, Aditi and Sneha.
After enjoying our meal, the girls proudly presented us with a gift-- |
a beautifully framed print of a log cabin and wildlife. The art now hangs in our residence in Nashville, GA. |
Leaving the lodge dining room, we walked outside and enjoyed the view and nice weather, and made some photographs. |
The girls remembered having seen tables with the large checkers in the lodge and wanted to play. The game turned out to be a memorable highlight for them and for the adults. Indeed, the whole visit will be fondly remembered. | |
Return to Documentation for this page. Last edit: Oct 23, 2011. |