Elizabeth's Birthday Party Elizabeth had her 7th birthday while we were in Germany on our second "tour." We planned a small celebration, one day before her actual birthday, at our rented residence on Uhlandstraße in Pfäffingen. A few neighbors and some of Will and Elizabeth’s school friends were invited. This day is remembered though the photographs below.
The exterior of our house with Will and Bill shown in front. The car is a mystery as it is not the one we leased nor is it our landlady's car. | An interior view of the house, showing the dining table and my Mother's Day flowers. This room overlooks the sunken living area. |
Elizabeth and a friend (Natalie?). This photo was made near the time of the party. | Elizabeth, Will, and a friend, Andrea Jona, pose in front of the landlady's garden, which was across the street from the house. |
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The birthday girl in her pink dress and corsage. | Elizabeth opens a gift. |
A special story from that day concerns her birthday cake. I went to the local grocery store/bakery to order a cake. The store employees did not speak much English and I, not much German. I described wanting pink flowers on the cake. In an attempt to be clearer, I said, “rosa Blumen,” meaning “pink flowers.” When I picked up the cake, I must have had a surprised look on my face as I was, indeed, surprised. The cake did have pink flowers but the surprise element was a pink pig! The misunderstanding occurred because “pink” sounds like “pig,” sort of, and “rosa” means “pink” in German. Pigs signify good luck in Germany, I learned, so a pink pig did not seem odd to the cake decorator. |
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The wonderful Pink-Pig cake! (Unfortunately, the color shown here isn't rendered perfectly.) | Will and Elizabeth pose in front of the grocery store/bakery, which is next to the Rathaus. |
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Street scenes near the bakery. The building in the right-hand photo is the dairy barn we passed to and from our trips to town. |
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Ushi, our landlady, gave Elizabeth a charm bracelet, left, with three charms—a mushroom, a shamrock, and a ladybug. We added other charms as remembrances of our visits [Black Forest, Heidelberg, and Bärenhöhle (“Bear Cave”)]. |
MFR: efiles on personal computer of similar Pfäffingen scenes 373l (residence), 373m (Nedra, Hannis' father and children), 373n (elementary school), 373o (Rathaus), 373p (also elementary school), 373q (garden), and 373r (street scene).
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