Hilton Head Island, SC, 2010 In late March 2010, Bill and I drove to Hilton Head Island to visit Will and his family who were vacationing there. The landscape photos were taken from the condominium they rented for a week. They had stayed in this condo before and liked it for the cheery décor that appeals to all ages. Someone with exceptional talent had spent many hours painting images on the walls, primarily fish and birds.
It was just before Easter so we packed a basket with goodies for all. The adults enjoyed appetizers and some of Bill’s muscadine wine, both the red and white varieties. Left, Julia poses with her seasonal handbag filled to the brim. Note the chocolate bunny is already gone! First things first... Above, Julia still in a posing mood—at least for a while. |
Left, Abby sports stylish new glasses. We like the look! Above, Liz relaxes by the window. |
Left, Harrison smiles. What a cute hair line! Above, Harrison loves playing in the Exersaucer but all can tell he’s ready to start crawling and exploring on his own terms.
Will enjoys play time with Harrison and Julia. They think Daddy’s fun, too. |
Left, Harrison and I. Note his FSU outfit. Although Bill and I are not football fans, Bill was an FSU biology professor for three decades and Will (who is a football fan) earned his second bachelor’s degree and attended his first year of medical school at FSU before transferring to UF in Gainesville, Florida. Above, Getting a group picture is a challenge. Harrison is about ready to stop this nonsense! |