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Baby Kate's Savannah Shower

Hosted by Friends and AASU Associates in Savannah, Georgia, September 28th, 2013


Blah, blah, blah

More blah

Any blah left?

Last edit: 2013-12-07
Note: As mentioned in the banner, this area of Southern Matters is private; if you are not a family member, friend, or invited guest, please enjoy the public areas of Southern Matters or exit. Thank you for following our Honor System. This file may contain copyrighted material; the authority to grant permission for its use does not rest with us. Otherwise--for our original material--the following citation format is suggested: "Southern Matters, accessed yyyy/mm/dd."


gift table
a & b, above
Beth Childress
Cherie Dennis & Mary Ellen Donatelli
c & d, above

Daniella Bringman

Debbie Sasser
e & f, above
Dorothee Mertz-Weigel
Jackie Kim
g & h, above
Jordon Reardon
Leese Leverette
i & j, above
Linda Ann McCall

Lottie Ringle

k & l, above
Sara & Kipten Spurlin

Thea Van Goor

m & n, above
Tracey Erwin

Wendy Marshall & Mary Ellen

o & p, above
honor chair

shower gifts

q & r, above
Liz opening gifts

Liz & Kate Dress

s & t, above

bear cake

u & v, above