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Connell, John Ellis (1821-1874)1

Miscellaneous Life Documents, Supplement
--not including Birth & Death Certificates, Eulogies--

Contains relevant information beyond the scope of the Virtual Cemetery page to which this is linked.

Search the Index Page for other information on these persons. For landowners, go directly to this link (land lots including the W.H. Outlaw Farm) or this link (land lots not including the W.H. Outlaw Farm).

Last edit: 2015-09-09
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Last Will and Testament Nov 19th, 1874 Original Transcript

Marriage to Nancy Marsh, Nov 21, 1841 (Link to License not available, but document located)

Marriage to Missouri (aka Mazura) nee Walters widow of Jonathan Knight Aug 29, 1869 (Link to License not available, but document located). N.B. Missouri was the daughter of William and Mary nee Fountain Walters, she being the sister of my 2d greatgrandfather, J.I. Fountain.


Footnote 1. John Ellis Connell was also known as John E. Connell Snr. (to distinguish him from his nephew, John Enoch Connell, who often used John E. Connell Jr.)

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